Welcome to the world of IRISH DANCING.


Irish  Dance costumes range from a simple outfit of skirt and top, traditional dress or a solo dress.


The Girls' Costume;

When in the beginner/novice grade, most girls wear a white blouse, black or navy skirt, either pleated or straight, and sometimes a shawl that goes across the the dancer's back. They also where ghillies, traditional Irish dancing soft shoes. From there, girls often wear a traditional class dress. This is a dress that symbolizes the name of their dance school teacher, such as McDermott or Murray. 

These dresses mostly consist of the teacher's coat of arms, or a traditional Celtic design, and also the base colour of dress is adapted from the teacher's coat of arms. Some dance schools do not have class dresses, and allow dancers to go straight onto a solo dress. A solo dress is what girls wear when they advance in Irish Dancing or if their school does not have a traditional class dress. These dresses are normally made with sequins or glitter dots to make them sparkly. They are made with the dancer in mind. You have to think about the dancer's skin tone, hair colour, eye colour and personal interests. These solo dresses do not have to consist of a Celtic pattern and traditional colours. Most dresses are made with bright colours that reflects the dancer and the pleats are stiffened. 


Girls wear ringlet wigs that  are long or in a bun